Expert Testimony
Work with the nation’s leaders in correctional medicine and assure your clients the finest representation. You will have instant access to the nation’s medical experts from all major specialties.
Work with medical and legal leaders from state and federal correctional facilities to ensure compliance with sate and federal correctional regulations and guidelines. Develop strategies for improvement and systems to maximize patient safety and efficiencies.
EMR, third party administrator and contract provider guidance and advice from a team with over 100 years of correctional experience.
Policy, Procedure, and Protocols
Expert review, analysis and development of correctional policies and procedures. Create customized nursing protocols to deliver care in a consistent and efficient manner.
When defending or pursuing 8th or 14th Amendment claims, personal injury, and medical malpractice lawsuits legal practitioners often employ CorrectMed Consultants both during the discovery and trial stages of a lawsuit. Simply put, a CorrectMed Consultant – is a physician, surgeon, nurse or similar licensed practitioner, qualified by reason of his or her skill, knowledge, education, experience, or training to testify on a particular medical area. He or she is a person who has knowledge about the medical and health care profession, beyond that of an average person.
In order for a case to have merit, the plaintiff’s attorney must establish: Liability (sometimes referred to as a breach of the standard of care); Causation; and Damages. CorrectMed Consultants perform a vital role as their expert assessment is required in various aspects of personal injury and medical malpractice cases. A variety of Specialties may be required to opine on different aspects of a case.
The findings of a CorrectMed Consultants aid attorneys in evaluating the merits of a case before proceeding to file a lawsuit. Their analysis and testimony is also essential as the case progresses to discovery and ultimately trial.
CorrectMed Consultants are often called on to provide testimony regarding standards of care, as well as causation of injuries and long term consequences. Their testimony may be influential on determining the outcome of the case.
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