Expert Testimony
Work with the nation’s leaders in correctional medicine and assure your clients the finest representation.
Work with medical and legal leaders from state and federal correctional facilities to ensure compliance with sate and federal correctional regulations and guidelines. Develop strategies for improvement and systems to maximize patient safety and efficiencies.
EMR, third party administrator and contract provider guidance and advice from a team with over 100 years of correctional experience.
Policy, Procedure, and Protocols
Expert review, analysis and development of correctional policies and procedures. Create customized nursing protocols to deliver care in a consistent and efficient manner.
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Selecting a medical expert(s) is the single most important decision an attorney makes when preparing a case. The impact that a physician who is knowledgeable, prepared, experienced and personable can make on a case cannot be over estimated.
CorrectMed Consultants boasts the best qualified, well credentialed experts in the U.S. Physicians focused on the practice of medicine join the CorrectMed Consultants network to participate in the medical-legal process WITHOUT sacrificing their credibility and attention to their practice. CorrectMed Consultants handles all front and back office activities on behalf of our network of experts allowing them to focus on the practice of medicine and the needs of our clients in a limited number of cases.
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